solar lab
Learn everything you want to know about solar power
We all have a responsibility to do our bit for the planet and ‘going green’ is today widely considered a smart business strategy delivering a multitude of rewards.

Moving to solar energy is a simple and practical way for businesses to improve their green credentials.
Solar systems help the environment because they produce clean energy that immediately reduces grid demand from local power stations, meaning the powers station uses less coal or gas to generate electricity. Whilst manufacturing solar systems components such as the panels require some energy, just one year of typical solar systems renewable power generation completely offsets the energy used to produce it.
Take your business green today.
How is Solar System Installed on Rooftop?

Resdential Solar System Installation
Total installation duration 12 Hours 36 Mins
6.6KW Solar system installed on tile roof in QLD

Resdential Solar System Installation
Total installation duration 12 Hours 36 Mins
6.6KW Solar system installed on tile roof in QLD
How is Solar System Installed on Rooftop?

Resdential Solar System Installation
Total installation duration 12 Hours 36 Mins
6.6KW Solar system installed on tile roof in QLD

Resdential Solar System Installation
Total installation duration 12 Hours 36 Mins
6.6KW Solar system installed on tile roof in QLD